WARNING! Gone are the days of big crew, heavy camera, huge lights, and studio setups for Cinema. These are from last century and this course is not your grandfather’s or your father’s or even your older brother’s film course.  This is not for the unmotivated, the complacent, or anyone looking for an easy grade. This is for those of you who are willing to push yourselves, who are willing to excel, to go beyond and especially, to deliver!

This is for Anyone from Anywhere on the planet! & Anyone who desires to participate in this course - Will Be Accepted!They may already be accomplished filmmakers, or they may be amateurs who know nothing at all! However, everyone will be expected to show up motivated, and ready to give 110% to every class, every week!

Our Motto will be the serene words of wisdom from the enlightened

Cinematographer of Akira Kurosawa’s Rashomon Kazuo Miyagawa, who stated: “Forget the expensive equipment, only a beautiful person can take beautiful pictures.”  And each of you “beautiful persons” will be Mentored “one-on-one” by a very well-seasoned International Filmmaker… Me!

David Worth! (You can call me “DW”)

And I will expect you to take the ASSIGNMENTS that we prepare Online and CAPTURE them using whatever cutting-edge equipment you choose: HD Cameras, Wireless Microphones, Drones, iMovie, Final Cut, iPhones, GoPros… Anything and Everything is permitted! However, you must also present me with bold, audacious, flamboyant, compelling films, that demonstrate extraordinary personal & artistic achievement!

Anyone interested in this course, should email me a cover letter stating: Who you are? What you want to become? & Why you want to take this course? Do it ASAP!

David Worth, MA

Silver Screen International